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How to use Repeaters on Wix | Create Property Listing, Directory
Do you have a site where you need to list properties? What about profiles? Maybe some recipes? Don't spend too much time designing a big long index page. Use a repeater instead. Repeaters can be used without needing to connect them to Wix Code, but if you connect them they will save you "hundreds" of design hours. This video will show you how to use repeaters on Wix to accomplish this design and effect.
How to collect emails on Wix using Corvid custom form
Learn how to collect emails on Wix. Why do you need to collect emails? Collecting emails will help you build an email list to start email marketing. Email marketing is one of the oldest and most popular online marketing techniques in the world. With this tutorial you will also learn how to send an email to a website visitor that does not need to log in to receive a Triggered email using Wix Shoutouts. You will be able to send an email with a URL link to a website visitor (you can even use this same procedure to send verification emails to users and/or to send them any type of message, links or information you want!) You will learn how to add a new Wix Contact using Wix Code.
Corvid Tutorial to download a document and hide WixStatic URL
With this Corvid Tutorial you will learn how to trigger a document download to HIDE the URL!!!! Yes! It is #TotallyCodable !!!! The Code Queen shows you how to do this using a Table and a Repeater. Open the Wix Editor to get started. If you don't have time to watching this video now, add it to your own playlist to Watch Later.
Wix Dynamic Page - How to embed a PDF using Wix Code (PDF Database)
This video will show you a quick way to create a Dynamic page with an embedded PDF document from a PDF Database Collection. This method uses an iFrame to connect to the direct source of the document from the actual hosted location of the WixStatic location on your Wix account. It will hide the original Wix Static URL to keep it private! You can even add a download button to trigger the 'save window' to prevent the document from opening in a new tab (as this will reveal the Wix Static URL if it opens in a new browser tab).
Custom FAQ on Wix by creating a double collapsing effect using Corvid
The collapsing design is a great way to list different attorney cases, medical information on a physician's site, education notes, agenda's or plans. By creating your own custom FAQ on Wix you can control the design and get really creative by adding custom images, custom arrows and custom text to display your information on website and make it really unique.
Wix Header Change on Scroll - Floating, Shrinking, Scrolling, Animated
This video is new-coder-friendly. If you have NEVER tried Wix Code before, you can start with this video! You will learn the Wix header change on scroll to create a floating, shrinking, scrolling and animated effect.
Auto Load Content on Scroll to create Lazy Loading on Wix using Corvid
Learn how to auto load content on scroll to create a lazy loading effect on your Wix website using Corvid. Our example uses Wix Stores app to give our products index section a unique loading style that is very popular on websites such as AliExpress. This method allows the to page to progressively load content on page scroll instead of clicking a load more button or pagination element. This is a great method to create an infinite scroll effect if you have many items on a database so that you can save on load time but limiting the initial number of items to display and slowly load a little more at a time as the person scrolls down the page.
Register User to Wix CRM and insert to custom database
Using a custom Wix Registration can help your branding stay consistent. It's great for membership sites of all kinds. But when you create too many steps to gain access to your website it may discourage users from signing up. By using a single form to insert the user information into your Wix CRM AND create their profile in your custom database collection SIMULTANEOUSLY it may help increase your registration numbers. Watch this vide to learn how to register user to Wix CRM. This video will explain how to create a Corvid registration code to check existing user and input validation on your custom Wix registration form. We will walk you through the code to help you understand what it means, how to change it and how it works. A custom registration code can be added to a page or a lightbox. You can design and style your page or lightbox to match your website branding. It is important to understand that the registration code creates a user on your Wix CRM / Wix Contacts that can be found on your Wix Dashboard.
Wix Custom Registration Form for Private Memberships + Dashboard Pages
This video will show you a creative and unique method to create a private member registration on your Wix website using Wix Dashboard Pages and a custom registration code. Now that Wix allows you to create a Members Area you can also develop a custom registration and log in form for your users. The native Wix registration process does not work for all types of business. Some businesses and organizations require a different flow. These businesses include: Educational Institutes, Private Networks, Private Organizations, Private Clubs or Groups, Private Company Access, Employees Only, Invite Only or offline onboarding. Off onboarding usually consists of a paper application (or other means) where a user applies for a membership or account and the company takes care of creating the account on their behalf. This helps the owner of the website control membership credentials or prevent unauthorized emails from being used while registering.
Free Corvid Examples that open in Wix Editor | Corvid by Wix
Wix just revamped their FREE Corvid Examples page! Wix just released today, January 22, 2020, a beautiful searchable index of Corvid Examples. You can find Examples by Code Level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. You will find links to the live example and even links to OPEN the example WITH THE ENTIRE CODE right in your WIX EDITOR!! Code Queen will walk you through where to find these examples, where to find the code and where to find other help and resources in case you need an extra hand. Enjoy the video and thanks for subscribing!
Copy to clipboard from a regular page, dynamic page and repeater | Corvid by
Wix released the Copy to Clipboard function. This function will allow a User to copy text onto their device's clipboard. This will give the user a functionality to save a piece of text and save it for later use by browsing through their clipboard (especially on a mobile device!). Our tutorial article will walk you through the steps on how to use 1 of 3 methods to: copy to clipboard from a regular page, dynamic page and a repeater. Check out this video to see how each method works. Then head on over to the tutorial article to copy and paste the code that best suits your needs!
Corvid Basics: Create a Database, Presets, Dynamic Item vs Category, Import Data
Let's go back to the Corvid Basics. Learn how to create a database, a dynamic item page and a dynamic category page on Wix. Also see the difference between Corvid Presets for database collections vs creating a database collection from scratch.
Use arrays in Repeaters using Wix Code
Learn in 15 minutes to use arrays in your repeaters
Wix Code for designers - Any topics
Making backend modules Wix Code
In this video you will learn to make a backend module, query the data collections, use promise or async / await methods in your page to get that data.
Use arrays in Repeaters using Wix Code
Learn in 15 minutes to use arrays in your repeaters
Modify repeater items using Wix Code
Learn in 20 minutes to modify repeater items using Wix Code
Do a donut chart in Wix Code
Learn in 10 minutes to do a donut chart using Wix Code
Your first lines of code in 10 minutes
Your first lines of code in 10 minutes using Wix Code for beginners.
Working with Dropdowns using Wix Code
Learn in 20 minutes to use Dropdowns using Wix Code
Calculate Fields using Wix Code
Learn to calculate fields using Wix Code. Code in comments.
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